You need 3-4 seconds to devide 52 by 13. A current computer can do 39672 integer calculations per SECOND. It processes thousands of trades on a single afternoon. That is how you learn from thousands of results within a fraction of the time! From now on you will profit by that in your trading.
See your ROBOT TRADING SYSTEM at work!
Imagine how your trading will change as soon as you know your exact profit expectancy – not based on a few trades, but based on thousands of positions, traded in 10 or more currency pairs for 10 or more trading years. And you can automate that – on a single, rainy Sunday afternoon. That is your chance to get the trading experience of a few dozen years in a few months…
For Germans: Unsere Kontaktdaten finden Sie im Impressum
The debiting is done by Elopage Namotto | Die Abbuchung erfolgt durch Elopage Namotto

Are your trading results painful?
Do you lose money?
Is the price going against you?
Are you unsatisfied?
Do you want to improve?
Do you miss good sleep?
Are you worried?
Do you fear the consequences?
Are you looking for a REAL solution?

What exactly do I get?
- The basic membership allows automated trading on one Metatrader5 real account and an unrestricted number of demo accounts.
- You will get the PREMIUM version of the ROBOTTRADINGSYSTEM to trade on MQL5 accounts that support the hedging mode.
- You will get instant access to all finished entry modules from the PREMIUM package.
- You can use self-coded entry modules or let a programmer code an entry module for you.
- You get updates and the newest version for free as long as your membership lasts.
- You will get mail support for the ROBOTTRADINGSYSTEM and the entry modules

Precoded Framework
Just choose your entry!
Cancel at any time!
no long-term commitment!
Precoded entry modules
You decide when to enter!
You already know that this solution works!
When I was a little boy, I owned a chess computer. It could beat me every time, because it could calculate every possible move within seconds.
Today your computer is superior a thousand times. It can process millions of complicated calculations within a second.
It can calculate every possible scenario based on two natural laws:
The law of big numbers and the law of possibility!
That will allow you, to achieve measurable results, to improve your system based on those findings and that will improve your results again – based on several thousand trades within a dozen currency pairs for a dozen trading years or more.
And you can get all the valuable trading data on a single, rainy Sunday afternoon – if YOU teach your computer how to trade exactly according to YOUR rules!

Begin with results, right away!
Step 1
Submit your account number (must support the hedging mode). I use RoboForex, because they allow every kind of automated trading system for MQL4 and MQL5 and the demo account doesn’t expire. And they also have Cent accounts and swap free accounts.
Step 2
With the ROBOTTRADINGSYSTEM – that will be especially compiled for your account number – you will get a system that you can trade right away.
Do lots of backtests in the strategytester. If you don’t know what backtesting is, it is a way to do thousands of trades in just a few minutes.
Step 3
Afterwards you can change something about your entry and find out, if your results improve. If your results are better, you have a new standard you can build on. If your results are worse you change something different.

Just for a few traders things will change today…
If automated trading is your thing, start today, because you will not get these advantages anywhere else:
- Other Forex trading systems will not get you to your first trade right away
- Other Forex trading systems will not let you choose your own entry
- Other Forex trading systems do not have exchangeable modules
- Other Forex trading systems will not save you months or even years
- Other Forex trading systems do not offer personal email support
Because of this personal email support I can’t satisfy an unrestricted number of members at the same time.
So if this offer is something you are interested in, decide to do it and become a member today.

What should I do now?
They say that insanity is doing the same thing again and again – and expecting different results.
You know, that automated trading works better, because it removes YOU from the equation.
Big companies do it and they have made good money with it. That is why they spend millions to improve their automated trading.
Today you can trade automatically, because your internet connection and the calculation power of your computer exceed the requirements for profitable, automated trading.
No more sleepless nights because of revenge trades.
No emotional rollercoaster anymore
Just predictable and measurable results from now on. Try it – you can cancel your membership at any time without further costs…

For Germans: Unsere Kontaktdaten finden Sie im Impressum
The debiting is done by Elopage Namotto | Die Abbuchung erfolgt durch Elopage Namotto